There's a bully at school and his name is Science. Actually that's just what's written on his name plate--a nickname--for his real name is Nescience. He thinks he knows and understands me and thus judges and criticizes me by calling me names. Big Bang Baby. The Great Accident. Primodial soup boy. Etc. He especially looks forward to this day just to say to my face "Happy father's day, bastard." He theorized that because he never saw my Father during Family days, PTA meetings, school affairs (only my mother attends) I must be fatherless. I must have just popped up inside my mother's womb from an accidental collision of dead matter which somehow became life. And that's why he thinks it's funny. I am an accident of chance. That's what he believes. And that's what he tells other kids. So they all call me bastard. But no one except my mother will ever know who my father is. Only my mother can factually tell if he exists or not. She knows who he is, where he lives, what he looks like, what his name is. No matter how hard Science tries to look in this school, in every family occasion he will never know or even see my father. For even if he appears in front of him, Science cannot know my father. He is so convinced he absolutely understands my father's non-existence.