Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ako Pukawa

Ako nangaturugan

Sa sarong pangaturugan

Ki tulong kakanon.


Nahiling ko su saro

Kulor puti, su saro kulor dugo

Su saro diklom.


Lambang tuludan

Tulo an kagdara

Su saro karahayan

Su saro kamawotan

Su saro kawaran.


Pinarong ko, su saro

Burak. Su saro sulo,

Su saro udo.


Kan tinanan ko, su saro

Mahamis, su saro maharang

Su saro maranggis.


Ako nakakataram

Na ako nagkakan

sa sarong pangaturugan

Mantang nasa sarong pangaturugan

Ngonian na ako na gimata,

Ta mantang itoon duman

Ako warang pagkaaram

Kun nata daing kabasugan

Dawa paburubalyo sa tulong plato.


Pero ako ngonian mata

Sa sarong pangaturugan sana.

Aram kong ako turog pa

Ta digdi sa sakong minuklatan

Ako nag-inom sa salog

Sa burabod, sa bubon

Pero dai nahahali

An sakuyang paha.




"An solusyon sa satuyang paha, iyo kun masasabutan ta kun SIISAY an napapaha. Kaipuhan tang magimata."

Thursday, March 10, 2016


"I saw men exploiting women, now the women want their turn. Not seeing the person in their clothes..." Siddha. 

In college, I attended this class on Feminism in literature. The teacher, a Dr of Feminism, asked me what I think about gender. The class was mid-afternoon and it was nearing summer, I was half-awake when I fumbled for an answer. I managed to blurt out: I don't believe in gender. If there was a fail button in that class, it would be labelled with those words. She was fuming, she was close to pulling out her hair, she paced back and forth the platform like she was contemplating the end to sadness. I wanted to die in my chair. And perhaps my seatmate too, we being the only guys in what was becoming an amazona jungle kingdom scenario.    

The dr pointed out the stark differences in our bodies. You are a man. I am a WOMAN. I go to the girls toilet. You go to the boys toilet. So on and so forth. 

I never forgave myself for saying what I said. Gender is truth, i carved that statement into my psyche. In the next four years of my stay in college I trained myself to think like a feminist. I don't want to fall into another embarrassing situation like that. 

Then I encountered the statement Aham Brahmasmi. I am spirit. I am not my body. I am not my mind. The material body is just a dress. The spiritual body is the actual body. The spirit doesn't have race, nationality, titles and gender. These things are the consequence of our temporary dress: the material body. I had another turn around. 

People struggle for equality. In fact, March is also national women's month. I remembered my college professor Dr. Feminist who breathes (and breathes on people too) I AM WOMAN and the statement I gave her about gender. 

If we have the vision to see that all living entities are spirit souls. Then there is no question of inequality. We are all constitutionally the same in essence: spirit. But if we remain in the material platform then differences abound. You are a negro, you are a muslim, that is a cow, here is my dog, this is my brother, etc. 

The material body is real. And in order to have a civilization men and women should have different toilets. But the belief that i am my body. I am a man, you are a woman is based on ignorance of the absolute truth, aham brahmasmi, I am spirit.

Although it is most apparent in the temporary female form, Femininity exists in the absolute plane. It is gentleness that is not necessarily weakness. It is shyness that is graceful. It is softness that is fair. It is meekness that is tolerant. In essence, as fragmental spiritual parts of the Supreme Spirit, we are all females, regardless of what bodily dress we have now, we are dominated by a force bigger than ourselves. To accept our position as the dominated and not the dominator is accepting things as they are. Celebrate femininity with soft heartedness, mercy, compassion, kindness, selfless love.