Thursday, April 24, 2014


I was chanting on my beads and Radha was on the other side of the room playing  with her dolls. I opened my eyes just in time when Radha was about to put something on the floor. Our eyes met for sometime. And just to annoy her I smiled at her, an exaggerated smirk in fact to hit the point. Then she did the most unexpected thing. She responded with a smile. It was that small disarming smile she uses whenever she breaks something important or she left her umbrella in school, again. I was surprised. She was normally indifferent, sometimes indignant even, to my teasings. But now she responded. I was happy already just being with her, but to be able to force out a smile from her is like a blessing. So although the moment was brief, one breath-length at most, I was awed. What had just happened? I asked the universe.

Then I remembered the smile of Govinda, God, Who loves us so dearly and Whom we should also dearly love with all our heart, mind, and entire being. This according to all saintly teachers is the only way to real happiness, peace and satisfaction in this world.  In my heart sprang a prayer for us all, that before we come to the end of our lives, I pray that we constantly see Govinda's beautiful face smiling at us, and in the depth of our hearts we be able to smile back in love. 

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